
In regards to tragedies and abuses faced by Ethiopian migrant workers in the Middle East, labor migration and the protection of Ethiopian migrant workers in destination countries has become one of the major political discourses for the Ethiopian Government. To respond to this challenge, the government of Ethiopia has taken multiple initiatives in improving labor migration governance, to state a few, put in place new legal instruments, institutional restructuring, established Ethiopian overseas employment registration platform, capacity building of all relevant stakeholders, and signing of Bilateral labor agreement or Memorandum of Understanding with destination countries. Currently, the Ethiopian Government has signed BLA/MoUs with Jordan, KSA, UAE, and Qatar as a major instrument for the protection of migrant workers. However, there is no mechanism to monitor the implementation of these BLAs/MoUs.


To support the government in improving labour migration governance and protect migrant workers, the ILO is implemented a project entitled “Improved labour migration governance to protect migrant workers and combat irregular migration in Ethiopia” funded by United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Through this project the ILO is supporting the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and its partners to address irregular migration and protection risks faced by migrants in countries of destination by working on legal and regulatory frameworks for fair recruitment, bilateral labour agreement, strengthening and building the capacity of Federal, regional, zonal and woreda (district) government offices as well as Ethiopian foreign missions and migrant communities.

As par of this support HaHuJobs was contracted by ILO Ethiopia to build a platform that allowed both formally and informally migrated workers to have their data captured and featuring their biometric details as an identifier so that they can submit request both in person and online. The platform automates various services offered by the Ministry of foreign affairs of Ethiopia and was developed under the oversight of the ministry.





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